zaterdag 28 februari 2009
First Trick Saturday Winner
The dudes from teveromtefietsen came to the shop to take away the prize again!
This time however Roland didnt make it, close though, but we were amazed to see Jeremy do a perfect nosegrind first try! He quickly chose his shirt from the Altamont collection and off they were again! Keep checking the blog for the next First Trick Saturday....hopefully the prize will stay in Rotterdam this week.
donderdag 26 februari 2009
First trick saturday
zaterdag 21 februari 2009
We have a winner...
Roland from Waddinxveen(fissa) did the 360 kickflip 1st try! Special edition dvd box final flare is his.
donderdag 19 februari 2009
woensdag 18 februari 2009
First Trick Saturday
This week its a little harder. You have to guess what trick Mike Mo does on this Lakai ad and then be the first to land that trick first try next saturday. The winner will receive a special Lakai gift package....
dinsdag 17 februari 2009
zaterdag 14 februari 2009
So Close
The team came really close to making the backside kickflip. So this week theres no winner. Keep checking for next First Saturday.
vrijdag 13 februari 2009
Goofy Boy High
While skating weena for Sudder wednesday, it really felt like the nineties, except for the skatestoppers. Now look what came in the shop today...Nike SB Dunk High...100 euro.
donderdag 12 februari 2009
First Trick Saturday
This week the trick is the backside kickflip. The first person that does a backside kickflip first try in the shop next saturday will win an Es cap.
woensdag 11 februari 2009
Sudder results
Tonight Sudder had another Roffabattleround 1. Filmer Shorty somehow wasnt there, so it was delayed a little. Sami however saved the night. There were 3 matches planned:Sneep vs. Rosh was a really close one..hihihi. Junior vs. Richiano and Guido vs. Max. The last one never happened cuz the cops came...Shorty bedankt! Check sudder for details, results and footage.
dinsdag 10 februari 2009
Cheap cheap, Sahib!
Trinity wheels various sizes 25 euro. Bearings abec 5/7 16 euro. Sk8 tool 8 euro. 8.2 inch deck 50 euro.
maandag 9 februari 2009
Hindu Pro

Do you remember those Aesthetics days...Clyde Eentonig, Wu Welsh, dudes had something going there. They came out with a board with the Taj on it. Some teams went there but on of the first documented protrips to India was iniciated by Nikhil Tayer. Western Edition is From The City and knows style like no other company. Check out their latest movie.
zondag 8 februari 2009
zaterdag 7 februari 2009
Fluff models
Exclusive in store...posters shot,signed and numbered by Marcel Veldman. Now you have the chance to purchase some real art for only 25 eurodollars.
First Trick Saturday
The first person that does a 360 shove-it in the store today will win
an Altamont cap and a special appearence on the roshblog.
an Altamont cap and a special appearence on the roshblog.
vrijdag 6 februari 2009
donderdag 5 februari 2009
Roelen Rules
The shop is located near the Willem de Kooning Academy of Arts. This
picture is taken by Koen Taselaar,a student there. Marian, who made
the obstacle/billboard/chair/bar, just finished the Academy with a
degree, congratulations! Eric Roelen, also an Artyfarty(justplayinson),
ollies of the R.
picture is taken by Koen Taselaar,a student there. Marian, who made
the obstacle/billboard/chair/bar, just finished the Academy with a
degree, congratulations! Eric Roelen, also an Artyfarty(justplayinson),
ollies of the R.
woensdag 4 februari 2009
Teammember Dennie hooked up with the Deutchefilmboy. Looks like they
had a good day...
had a good day...
Dutch Kingpin
Yeah, European skateboarding magazine Kingpin issue 62 is now in
store! With pictures of Marcel Veldman and Koen Taselaar. Cities best
clerc Paterno does a nice front noseslide. We really liked the
Petersen interview. When he was in Rotterdam, he was asked where he
learnt that crazy switch pop..... "I used to live with Paulo Diaz".
store! With pictures of Marcel Veldman and Koen Taselaar. Cities best
clerc Paterno does a nice front noseslide. We really liked the
Petersen interview. When he was in Rotterdam, he was asked where he
learnt that crazy switch pop..... "I used to live with Paulo Diaz".
Rotterdam is for dutch standards a pretty rough city. Drugs, crime and
a lot of testosteron. Kids growing up here can choose to be a gangster
or an addict. Thats why the Roshblogfamily is really proud when the
little nephews step up and work it! Check out sudder...
a lot of testosteron. Kids growing up here can choose to be a gangster
or an addict. Thats why the Roshblogfamily is really proud when the
little nephews step up and work it! Check out sudder...
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